Issue IX

June 2022

Dear Reader,

As I sit down now to reflect on the release of Issue IX of Bracken, I think of how difficult life has recently been for so many—terribly difficult in some places, such as in Ukraine since Putin started his war there, and in other places where men wield guns blindly, where contagion has taken great tolls, where nourishment and shelter are tenuous…and difficult enough among many who live with too much uncertainty, whose belonging is in doubt, whose government is more threat than protection, who must fear to speak freely…and even among those who appear to be secure enough, it seems there’s a rising tide of what Thoreau called “quiet desperation.”

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Jane Zwart
The House in its Wisdom

Beverly Burch Two poems

Robbie Gamble Tadpoles

Grant Clauser Cottonwood

Anna Swanson Four poems

Jenny Della Santa Associations with impaired cognitive function, my mother’s necklaces

Diana Whitney Two poems

Suzanne Edison When I Joined the Worm Brigades

Nwuguru Chidiebere Sullivan Flight

Jacob Boyd The Lifeline

Shannon K. Winston Three poems

Katherine Fallon Bryn Mawr Winter, 2002

Charles Rafferty Newtown

L.I. Henley and Kristin Bock Three poems from Animism

Athena Kildegaard Two poems

Meghan Sterling North and South

Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach Two poems

Hayden Saunier Two poems

Gustavo Hernandez Cienega

Marie Gauthier Night Watch

Julie DeBoer Prayer

Tina Schumann Just Yesterday the Crows

Kathryn Petruccelli The Leap

Kelly DuMar Misadventure with Peas

Tracy Zeman from Interglacial: Lake

Jo Angela Edwins Snail Trails

David Constantine Translations from the Greek Anthology

Carolyn Oliver Poem with Koi, Oak, and Reindeer-Hedgehogs

Anna Gruver Two poems translated from Ukrainian by Anna Gruver and Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach


Marco Mazzoni


Flash Fiction

Audrey Burges A Field Guide for Arboreal Memory Storage

Ed Harkness Dark Ages

Robin Turner Thirst

Patricia Q. Bidar In the Back Yard

Kevin Dyer Falco Eleanorae

Kathryn Aldridge-Morris Midnight Sun