Katherine Fallon
Bryn Mawr Winter, 2002
Kicking your way through the deep snow along
a double row of trees you tell yourself
remember this
Drifts to the boot lip pants wet half-frozen
to the knee Wind so sideways you feel it as your axis
The trees are cracked white deserts on one side only
You squint and trudge
You are the calmest you will ever be
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Katherine Fallon is the author of the chapbooks DEMOTED PLANET (Headmistress Press, 2021) and The Toothmaker's Daughters (Finishing Line Press, 2018). She is Poetry Editor at MAYDAY Magazine and reads for [PANK]. Her poems have appeared in AGNI, Colorado Review, Juked, Meridian, Nimrod, and The Los Angeles Review, among others. She shares domestic space with two cats and her favorite human, who helps her zip her dresses.