Who We Are
Bracken is a literary magazine born of the love of the woods and its shadows. Bracken is green and lush, coarse and delicate, drinks from the earth, and spreads underground, more root than frond. Bracken is understory, invades, takes over, shades and protects. We seek poetry and art that will root, tender and tough, in us.
Jed Myers
Editor, Poetry Editor
A Philadelphia native who’s loved poetry since childhood, Jed studied Creative Writing at Tufts University, then trained in medicine and psychiatry, and has maintained a therapy practice in Seattle for many years. He’s author of Watching the Perseids (Sacramento Poetry Center Book Award), The Marriage of Space and Time (MoonPath Press), and out in 2024, Learning to Hold (Wandering Aengus Press Editors’ Award). Poems have won Southern Indiana Review’s Mary C. Mohr Award, the Prime Number Magazine Award, The Southeast Review’s Gearhart Prize, and The Briar Cliff Review’s Annual Poetry Contest. His work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poetry Northwest, Rattle, The American Journal of Poetry, RHINO, Crab Creek Review, The Greensboro Review, many other journals, and several anthologies. https://www.jedmyers.com/
Kate Deimling
Poetry Editor, Managing Editor
A poet, writer, and translator, Kate is a native of New Orleans and a longtime Brooklynite. Her poems have appeared in Slant, Tar River Poetry, Sheila-Na-Gig, Passager, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Twelve Mile Review, and other magazines, and her work has been nominated for Best of the Net and Pushcart Prizes. She holds a PhD in French literature and has translated several books from French. In her free time, Kate enjoys cooking, reading, hiking, birding, word puzzles including translation dilemmas, and hanging out with her dog. Her debut poetry collection is forthcoming from Cornerstone Press in 2026. Find her online at www.katedeimling.com.
T. Clear
Associate Poetry Editor
A co-founder of Floating Bridge Press, T. has been writing and publishing her work since the 1970s. She treasures her archive of rejection slips on paper but has not yet given in to the urge to paste them on her bathroom walls. Her work has appeared in many magazines and anthologies, including Common Ground Review, Crannog, Poetry Northwest, Raven Chronicles, Sheila-Na-Gig, The American Journal of Poetry, Red Earth Review, Terrain.org, and The Moth. Her book, A House, Undone, is the 2021 winner of the Sally Albiso Award from MoonPath Press.
Ted McMahon
Associate Poetry Editor
Ted has lived and worked in Seattle since 1972. Recently retired from a career in pediatrics, he devotes his time to writing, metal sculpture, and percussion. His poems have appeared in The Seattle Review, Chrysanthemum, Manzanita Quarterly, The Journal of the American Medical Association, and elsewhere. Ted’s chapbook, First Fire, was published in 1996, and his full-length collection, The Uses of Imperfection, was published in 2003. He is a former editor of Floating Bridge Press. Ted is married to the photographer Rosanne Olson.
Morgan Brajkovich
Assistant Poetry Editor
Morgan is a poet and writer from Pennsylvania. She is a Kutztown University graduate with a B.A. in Professional Writing, concentration in Culture and Media, and a Literature minor. She has been published through her university’s literary magazines, including Shoofly and Essence. Her debut poetry chapbook, It’s Only Milk, was published by Finishing Line Press. Her poems have been featured in Wishbone Words.
Linda Hillman Chayes
Assistant Poetry Editor
Linda is the author of two chapbooks, Not My First Walk on the Moon (2024) and The Lapse (2014), both published by Finishing Line Press. Her poems have appeared in Kestrel, American Poetry Journal, Bracken, Quartet, Westchester Review, 2 Horatio, Sheila-Na-Gig, and other publications. After studying English literature and creative writing, Linda earned a PhD in clinical psychology and a postdoctoral certificate in psychoanalysis. She currently practices as a psychologist and psychoanalyst in New York. In a book she co-wrote and co-edited, The Voice of the Analyst: Narratives in Developing a Psychoanalytic Identity (Routledge, 2018), she explores the connections between metaphor, imagery, rhythm, and the therapeutic process.
Kelli Lage
Assistant Poetry Editor
Kelli is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominated poet. She is the author of the poetry collection Early Cuts (Kelsay Books), the chapbook I’m Glad We Did This (Prolific Pulse Press), and, out in March 2024, the chapbook Harvest is a Chapel (MOONLOVE Press). Her work has appeared in Maudlin House, The Lumiere Review, Welter Journal, Orange Blossom Review, and elsewhere. Her website: www.KelliLage.com.
Alina Rios and Piper Robert
Past Staff
Jessica Bixel (poetry reader), Charlotte d'Huart (fiction editor, anthology editor), Andrew Gordon (poetry reader), Kimberly Huebner (fiction reader/newsletter writer/graphic designer), Amy Lee Lillard (fiction editor), Disko Praphanchith (managing editor), Erin Slomski-Pritz (assistant poetry editor), V. Wesley (fiction reader, cover design, consultation), Lea Aschkenas (poetry reader), Natalie Marino (poetry reader), Bridget Houlihan (managing editor), Hunter Casperson (web editor), Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach (special series co-editor), Kelly Gray (outreach editor, social media editor), Rhienna Renée Guedry (managing editor), Lyn Coffin (consulting editor), Cicely Gill (consulting editor), Mitchell Nobis (assistant poetry editor), Jayne Marek, 1954–2025 (associate poetry editor)
Special thanks to our friends and supporters at Duotrope and The (Submission) Grinder.