Issue XI

June 2024

Cover image by Katrina Wolfe

Dear Reader,

It moves me that this eleventh issue of Bracken has been born, and I’m stirred to see how Bracken has evolved since its emergence in March 2016. This issue is one more turn in that evolution, akin, I think, to a further development in a human life. We find our purposes, and how to serve them, only as we grow, over time—coming into one’s own, it’s been called. It inevitably involves adapting to challenges—cultivating the gifts we discover under the press of our conditions.

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Rebecca Brock
I Will Always Be Heading Somewhere

Amanda Marie Chiado Hell & Flowers

Lynne Ellis Shore Body

Gabriel Furshong Hundred-Year Flood

Jana-Lee Germaine At the Drive-In Volcano

Kari Gunter-Seymour Two Poems

Kasey Jueds Limestone, Shale, Flint

Abbie Kiefer I’ve Learned to Accept

Lance Larsen Two Poems

Mercedes Lawry April’s Muddled Thoughts

Erin Pesut citizen of the woods

Heidi Seaborn Fish Story

Elizabeth Vignali Two Poems
