Mercedes Lawry

April’s Muddled Thoughts

I would become a river, swimming
over smooth stones. I would become
the tender green emerging
from the April chill.

I’m tired, a litany of leaden burdens.
I would become a bird, 
as many would, the escape of flight,
that sweet delirium.

I think the timing is right
or the season or just the way light
pierces the tumultuous clouds.

Ghosts are visiting, inviting me
into their shadowy corridors
which appear, oddly, comfortable.

When the rain stops,
I’ll plant snow peas.
And then we’ll see. 

Back to Issue XI…

Mercedes Lawry is the author of three chapbooks. Her collection, Vestiges, was published in late 2022 by Kelsay Books. Her new collection, Small Measures, is available from ELJ Editions.  She’s been a Jack Straw Writer and held a residency at Hedgebrook. She’s also published short fiction in numerous magazines.