Marginalia on Eiruvin 45b
for R
The magic is too much to hold.
Release, return –
Constrained by the floodbanks
the river flows by
and if you just lie down for a moment,
clumps of wet grass and smears of mud
against your bare skin
– release, let go –
your power will take residence in
the clouds above,
the rain-soaked silent earth below,
the air as it moves through the layers
of divine geometry;
release, stand up, return.
Visit Bogi's website. Follow em on Twitter @bogiperson.
Bogi Takács is a Hungarian Jewish agender person currently living in the U.S. Eir speculative poetry, fiction and nonfiction have been published in a variety of venues like Clarkesworld, Apex, Strange Horizons, and Glittership. E posts SFF story and poem recommendations on Twitter under #diversestories and #diversepoems.