Sati Mookherjee
King Tide
The break pawed at until it broke,
then the island swiftly colonized
by rivers never seen before.
I found exuberance
in how the currents coursed,
ferocious and immigrant:
Unretractable, anti-tide, reshaping Is-
-land, and Is. The scarp lay
fallen in slurry and swarf. Isthmus
already over-steep,
uncertain bridge
between the sprawl and bulge
of two certain worlds.
I walked the shore of pin-striped
shale, grey as bolts of trouser cloth.
Madronas, improbably aloft
grounded in memory
of duff and till
upright by the oblique will
of what embedded part pulled to Was,
that remnant bluff. Ornate
as Old World chandeliers, dangling
cages of root clutched the disappeared,
burr wind scraping them barer still.
I turned to home. Leonine
ocean underfoot
growling softly at my boot.
Native and Invasive
Sour grass and blister plant rough this prairie.
But names can betray. Nor does beauty
speak to what’s benign or to nativity.
I’m on my knees, pulling fine-rooted sweet pea
away from death camas, willing death
good health, space to breathe. When the air fully warms
I’ll walk this very path and hear across its breadth
and edge the pop of death’s seed pods,
death’s life opening, incubated white to black,
inserting itself among the sanicle in the meadow,
among the harsh paintbrush, the soft click clack
of death’s seeding. Today I sweep high to low
nearing the bluff, the memorial plaque bolted to rock
naming who lived here until death said stop
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Sati Mookherjee is the author of the poetry collections Eye (Ravenna Press, 2022) and Ways of Being (Albiso Award, MoonPath Press, 2023). Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Tupelo Quarterly, RHINO, Gulf Coast, and Quarterly West. Her collaborations with contemporary classical composers have been performed or recorded by ensemble and solo musicians. She has been awarded an Artist Trust/Washington State Arts Commission Fellowship Award and serves on the Board of Directors of Cascadia International Women’s Film Festival. Please visit at