Jen Stewart Fueston

Poem with Lines from my Son

-for William

Is today the last day?

Why is iron in your blood?

I have time in my body.

I made you a gift, it’s doors to open
to whichever museum we want to get into. 

Open the doors. Any one of them.

There are flowers growing out of my mouth.

I’m going to make some new suns & moons.

I see the dark distance. 

There is no last day.


Jen Stewart Fueston is the author of Madonna, Complex (Cascade Books, 2020), Latch (River Glass Books, 2019) and Visitations (Finishing Line Press, 2015). Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in AGNI, Colorado Review, Beloit Poetry Journal and elsewhere. A native of Colorado, she has taught writing at the University of Colorado, Boulder, as well as internationally.

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